A walk around Benavente

Stadtführung Calle la Rúa 33, 49600 Benavente, ES

In this walk you will get to know the main touristic highlights of Benavente, a small city located in the northwest of the province of Zamora, within the community of Castilla y León, Spain. The description of the different sites is basically historical since the city was founded in the medieval period and it has a rich cultural baggage.

Autor: High school

5 Stationen

Castle of La Mota

Paseo de la Mota s/n, 49600 Benavente, ES

The Castle of La Mota dates back to the 12th century. After the war of Independence, when the French troops invaded the city, most of the castle was destroyed. The only part that remains is the a square tower 17 metres high, built in 1504 when the castle belonged to the Pimentel family, known as the Tower with the spiral staircase (Torre del Caracol)

Gardens of La Mota

Paseo de la Mota 2A, 49600 Benavente, ES

The park of La Mota contains the most important gardens in town. They are considered as the ‘lung’ of the place.

They have been amplified throughout the years and are divided into three groups: old Mota (or Promenade of Soledad González), High Mota and Gardens of Rosaleda.

Inside the park there's a complex net of paths that resembles a labyrinth.

The House of Solita

Cuesta del Río 1, 49600 Benavente, ES

It is a small palace dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. It was built in 1904 and after its restoration it has been used for cultural activities. In the main floor, there's the local library.

St. Maria del Azogue’s Church

Plaza de Santa María 14, 49600 Benavente, ES

This church is one of the main touristic attractions in Benavente.

Characteristic for its Romanic style, the church was started in 1180 but it wasn't finished until the 16th century, when the domes (of Gothic style) were incorporated.

Reina Sofía’s Theatre

Calle la Rúa 33, 49600 Benavente, ES

The building of the Queen Sofía's Theatre was built at the beginning of the 20th century. It was designed by the architect Antonio García Sánchez-Blanco.

The theatre was restored in 1991 and inaugurated by the then queen Sophia.