A walk around León

Tour Carretera Pozaldez 1, 47400 Medina del Campo, ES

This tour explores the most interesting places in León. León is a Spanish city located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, within the community of Castilla y León. At the 1st point of the route "Statue La Negrilla" you have a video explaining (). In some of the sights you can enter the premises but normally you can only see from the outside.

Autor: IES Los Valles

5 Stationen

Statue La Negrilla – León

Plaza de Santo Domingo 4, 24001 León, ES

The statue of La Negrilla is an iconic sculpture located in the historic center of the city of León. It was inaugurated on October 13, 1984 to commemorate the struggle and resistance of the Nicaraguan people during the Somoza dictatorship. The statue represents a peasant woman with a child in her arms and a ribbon on her head, symbolizing the struggle of women and motherhood in the history of Nicaragua. Regarding its current purpose and use, the Statue of La Negrita is mainly a memorial monument and a historical and cultural reference point in León. I recommend that you take a lot of photos. The statue itself does not have a price in terms of sale, as it is a public monument. However, its historical and cultural value for the city and the country is incalculable.

The Guzmanes Palace – León

Calle Ruiz de Salazar 2, 24002 León, ES

The Guzmanes Palace is a historical building located in the Spanish city of León. It's construction began in 1560 and ended in 1572. Originally, it was the residence of the Guzmán family, but it has had different uses over the years. Currently, it is the headquarters of the Provincial Council of León, a provincial government body in Spain. Various activities related to the provincial administration take place in the Palacio de los Guzmanes, such as government meetings, cultural events and exhibitions. The entrance price to visit the Palacio de los Guzmanes is €2-3.

The Basilica of San Isidoro - León

Plaza Santo Martino s/n, 24003 León, ES

The construction of the Basilica of San Isidoro began in the year 1063. It was built on a previous church dedicated to San Juan Bautista. The basilica was built to house the relics of Saint Isidore of Seville and as a place of religious worship. Today, the Basilica of San Isidoro remains a place of Catholic worship and an important tourist and cultural destination. Visitors can explore the basilica. Regular masses and religious ceremonies are celebrated. Concerts, exhibitions and conferences are held throughout the year. The entrance fee to visit the basilica and the museum is generally €5-6. The basilica combines Romanesque and Gothic elements, in a Romanesque style. It contains the relics of Saint Isidore of Seville, an important Hispanic saint and scholar of the 7th century.

Cathedral of León – León

Calle Cardenal Landázuri 1, 24003 León, ES

Construction of the Cathedral of León began in 1747 and was completed in 1814. It was built to serve as the main Catholic temple of the Diocese of León. Its main purpose is to be a place of worship and devotion for the Catholic faithful. Furthermore, it was conceived as a symbol of the faith and devotion of the Nicaraguan people. The Cathedral of León remains an active church and is the seat of the Diocese of León. In addition to regular religious services, such as masses and sacraments, the cathedral is also an important tourist and cultural site. The cathedral is known for its baroque and neoclassical architecture. You can take guided tours to learn about the history, architecture and art of the cathedral, daily and Sunday masses, weddings, baptisms, confirmations and funerals... Admission to the cathedral for religious services is free.

Casa Botines Gaudí Museum – León

Plaza de San Marcelo 5, 24002 León, ES

The construction of Casa Botines began in 1891 and was completed in 1892. The building was commissioned by businessmen Simón Fernández and Mariano Andrés. The original purpose of Casa Botines was to serve as a warehouse and fabric store on the ground floor, while the upper floors were used as homes. The building reflects the combination of commercial and residential functionality, characteristic of many of Gaudí's works. Today, Casa Botines has been restored and converted into a museum. The museum is dedicated to the life and work of Antoni Gaudí, as well as the history of the building and its impact on León. You can see permanent and temporary exhibitions on Gaudí's work, modernist art and history. Guided tours are offered. The entrance price to the Casa Botines Gaudí Museum is €8-€10.